Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Upcoming Events at the North London Buddhist Centre

Dear Friends,  
Here are the details of the events coming up at the Centre over the next four weeks, including new courses in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and meditation, plus weekend workshops in focussing and Non-Violent Communication (NVC).
To book on any of these events please all our office on 0207-700-1177.
We look forward to welcoming you soon.
With best wishes
The Centre Team

Thursday 20th Jan- 17th Feb. Introduction to Meditation. A 5 week course with Padmajata.
An introduction to meditation for newcomers. On this course you will learn two simple yet profound practices, the mindfulness of breathing and metta bhavana, and develop a range of skills that will help you establish a regular practice.  7.15-9.30pm. £48/£24. Please book in advance.
Friday 21st- Sunday 23rd January. Sangha retreat at Vajrasana. Led by Lalitaraja and Visuddhimati.
A weekend of meditation practice and reflection at Vajrasana Retreat Centre in the Suffolk countryside: suitable for experienced meditators who have been practicing the mindfulness of breathing and metta bhavana on a regular basis.  £130/£100/£65.
Tuesday 25th January- Listening to your inner Wisdom. An evening workshop with Manjudeva.
An evening event drawing in focusing and mindfulness to explore inner listening, self empathy, the body’s knowing, transforming difficult emotions and inner conflict. 7-9.30pm. £10/£5

Thursday 27th January- Thursday 24th March- Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy- An 8 week course with Karunagita.
Learning new ways to respond to sources of stress in our lives and reduce the suffering associated with stress. 7-9pm (no class 24th Feb). Practice day 12th March.  £185/£145.
Saturday 29th January- Mindfulness day with Karunagita.
Karunagita will draw on her teaching of mindfulness based cognitive therapy in a day of moving seamlessly between mindfulness in meditation and daily activities. Equally suitable for newcomers and experienced meditators. 10am-5pm. Day by donation.
Sunday 30th January- Metta day with Rupavati and Suddhaka.
On this day we will learn more about how to recognise the qualities of loving kindness in our experience, and how to work effectively with some of the difficulties that come up in this practice. 10am-5pm. Day by donation.
Saturday 12th- Sunday 13th February- Listening to your inner Wisdom with Manjudeva.
A weekend event drawing on Focusing and mindfulness to explore inner listening, self empathy, the body’s knowing, transforming difficult emotions and inner conflict. 10am-5pm £130/£90
19th-20th February- Foundation Workshop in Non-Violent Communication  (NVC) with Vajrasara Rankin.
Want to speak with clarity, honesty and care? Fed up with misunderstandings, guilt and blame? Learn simple communication skills that will enable you to tackle tricky dialogue confidently, connect kindly and creatively and be assertive without offending. Vajrasara is a certified and experience trainer in non-violent communication. Workshop suitable for newcomers to NVC or to experienced practitioners looking to brush up on their basic skills. 10.30-5.30 Sat. 10.30-4.30 Sun. £130/£90
You can see an electronic copy of our program for the New Year, by following the link below.
Meditation and Buddhism program..
Bodywork Program…

North London Buddhist Centre
72 Holloway Rd
N7 8JG


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