Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Upcoming Events at the North London Buddhist Centre

Dear Friends,  
Here are the details of the events coming up at the Centre over the next two weeks.
Included in this bulletin are details of our Centre Open Day which will be taking place on Sunday May 15th from 10am-5pm. We hope this will be a chance or lots of people to come to the Centre and experience our yoga and meditation classes for the first time. If you’re interested in helping out with this then we’d be glad to hear from you.
We look forward to welcoming you soon.
With best wishes
The Centre Team

Saturday 16th April- Body Awareness and Relaxation in Meditation- a day with Santva
A day of gentle movement, relaxation and meditation, suitable for anyone who has been introduced to the practices of mindfulness of breathing and metta bhavana. 10am-5pm. Day by donation.
Thursday 5th May- 30th June MBCT for Stress with Karunagita
An eight week course offering self- management mindfulness based strategies for people living with difficulties associated with stress. The course provides a toolkit of skills and resources that can be applied to every aspect of daily life. Eight Thursday evenings. 7-9pm £185/£145 price includes cds and other course materials.
Sunday 15th May- Centre Open Day
To co-incide with Buddha Day, the Festival Celebrating the Enlightenment of the Buddha, we will be holding an open day from 10am-5pm. There will be a continuous program of talks and free taster sessions going on throughout the day, along with stalls and refreshments. A chance to come along and connect with the Centre- if you have friends who you think may be interested then do please invite them to come along.
You can see an electronic copy of our program for the New Year, by following the link below.
Meditation and Buddhism program..
Bodywork Program…

North London Buddhist Centre
72 Holloway Rd
N7 8JG


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